Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cream Cheese Pancakes -- Low Carb breakfast idea!

Good morning, friends!

I'm currently trying to stay away from grains, sugar, and high-carb meals, so I found a recipe for Cream Cheese Pancakes on Pinterest and thought I would give it a go.  It's something the girls would probably like, and I'm guessing it's probably freezable, too.  The thing with going low-carb is that everything, especially breakfast foods, need to be cooked and fussed over.  And in the morning, you really just want to throw something together quick and go.

Let me tell you, these were divine.  Like, way better than real pancakes, in my humble opinion.  They didn't have that overly sweet, gaggingly filling fluff.  They were a little bit crispy, and so satisfying when you haven't had anything bready in a while.

These are the major players.  I also added a little almond flour blend, which is gluten-free. 

 Mix wet ingredients (2 eggs, 4 oz cream cheese, 2Tbsp cinnamon and 2 Tbsp honey) in a blender or with a mixer.  You could do this by hand, I'm sure, but I don't want to burn so many calories this early. 

After you have a nice, bubby mixture, you can add about a 1/4 cup of almond flour blend.  Now, the original recipe only called for eggs and 2 oz. cream cheese, but the mixture was so watery, I couldn't see how it was going to work.  I added the flour and 2 extra ounces of cream cheese, and they were perfection. 

Melt a little butter in a pan.


You could probably break this up into smaller pancakes, but I just made two 8" frying-pan sized pancakes.  

Now, you should probably not start cleaning out your fridge, like I did, while these are on the stove.  Then, you will get a much darker pancake than you might prefer.


This shade of pancake is a little more palatable.

I don't think it took more than 4 minutes per pancake.  They flipped over like a dream.  No breaking, no running.  Really, they are so easy and so mmmmmm.

You may never eat another doughy pancake again.


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