Tuesday, May 29, 2012

101 things to do in 1001 days.

My family has been in dietary transition, lately, which is why I haven't been posting.  It's really no excuse.  What better time to post than now, as we move as a family from a regular, clean but meat-eating diet, to a raw, vegetarian lifestyle.  I should use this blog as a journal to measure our ups and downs, trials and errors.  A place where I can one day visit and say, "Look how far we've come."  But the change has proven to be a lot of work, one which the girls are less than thrilled about.  But I shall make a better effort to report in, and tell you what I've been learning.

But for today, I would like to share with you something I found on livelovelife.com.  It really inspired me to create my own list.  I feel more accountable now to actually follow through with the things I've been saying I'll do.  101 things I want to do in the next 1001 days.  Starting now!  I stole many of her ideas, but threw in some of my own that I have been wanting to do or try.   I’m also leaving this list incomplete, as I’m sure I will come across many things I will want to add, as I go along…..
Start date: May 29, 2012
End date: February 26th, 2015
Food & Drink
1.       Try a new cuisine.
2.      Cut out white foods altogether with my family.
3.      Eat 80% raw (out of 3033 meals, I will eat 2402 raw meals.)
4.      Get some raw recipes the kids will eat.
5.      Drink water more often.
6.      Buy a decent dehydrator, vitamix, nutribullet and spiralizer.
7.      Incorporate a green monster smoothie into my daily menu.
8.      Learn 10 new metabolic recipes.
9.      Build up my vegetarian/vegan cookbook collection.
 Fitness & Health
10.   Walk on the treadmill for 30 min every day.
11.  Take a kickboxing class.
12.  Take a yoga class.
13.  Get the kids to do a yoga class at home each day.
14.  Take one family walk a week.
15.  Swim class for girls.
16.  Reach my goal weight/clothing size.
17.  Go ice skating in the winter as a family date night.
18.  Take girls roller skating.
19.  Sledding/Tubing weekends in the winter.
20.  Take girls on active adventures while on vacation.
Family & Relationships
21.   Make 3 new friends.
22.  Get 1000 subscribers to my blog.
23.  One date night per month with DH.
24.  Better vacations with family.
25.  Reunite with old friend.
26.  Organize play dates with friends once a month.
27.  See my dad more often.
28.  Try to go to every family party I’m invited to.
29.  Compliment husband and girls every day.
30.  Never fight in front of girls.
31.  Build new youtube channel for Buggy Tales.
32.  Learn the art of playwriting.
33.  Start writing a new play.
34.  Compete in three new competitions.
35.  Compete for one fellowship.
36.  Make another short film.
37.  Get 200,000 views on Buggy Tales.
38.  Take Buggy Tales books to editors.
39.   Donate to Good Will once a month.
40.  Offer something to a stranger in need.
41.  Volunteer for one program a year.
42.  Compliment a stranger.
43.  Sponsor someone in a race.
For the Home
44.   Organize financials.
45.  Make garage into playroom.
46.  Plant a garden on deck.
47.  Hardwood floors.
48.  Attic fan.
49.  Ceiling fan in LR.
50.  Landscaping.
51.   Go to church.
52.  Take Sofia to a museum.
53.  Learn how to drive a stick shift.
54.  Learn Italian.
55.  Watch all the Oscar winning movies since inception.
56.  Learn how to fix a flat.
57.  Ride a horse.
58.  Go a week without negative self-talk or complaining.
59.  Save $10 a week (that’s $1,320).
60.  Go to a haunted house.
61.  Pumpkin-carving/picking.
62.  Join an organic local co-op.
63.  Visit local farmers markets every other week in season.
64.  Inspire someone else to make similar list…


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